
Oberlin in London Information Session

Date, time, location

Thursday, September 21, 2023
12:30 pm EDT

Carnegie Building, 212

52 W. Lorain St.
Oberlin, OH 44074

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Free to current students

Are you interested in joining Oberlin faculty and students in exploring the vibrant city of London in fall 2024? You'll take a course about the earth’s materials and matter in a global context, focusing in particular on works of art, architecture, and landscapes dating from ancient times to our contemporary era in museums and heritage sites in the U.K + a course on fashion of the British Empire or a course on glacial geology + a course on London theater or history. The Oberlin-in-London 2024 program will be led by Christina Neilson, associate professor of art history, and Amanda Schmidt, associate professor of geosciences. London’s many museums and historical sites offer an unparalleled opportunity to explore deeply topics covered in courses. The program is equivalent to 4 full-credit courses at Oberlin. Students majoring in any subject are encouraged to apply. Courses will fulfill specific major requirements for Art History and Geosciences, as well as count towards Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Cultural Diversity requirements.

Interested? To learn more, attend the Study Away fair: Monday, September 18, 4 to 7pm, Moffett Auditorium (A-Level of Mudd Center)

or the Oberlin in London info session: 12:30pm, Thursday September 21, Carnegie 212

More information on the Oberlin-in-London fall 2024 program.

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