
Flentrop 50th Anniversary Celebrations | Open Console on the Oberlin Organ Collection

Date, time, location


Sunday, November 17, 2024


10:00 am to 2:00 pm EST

Additional details


Registration required

This event is for registered 50th Anniversary guests only. Sign-ups for the individual organs will be available upon arrival into Oberlin. See David Kazimir '99, curator of organs, for details.

All of the organs will be open for use in a grand open console event, where you can travel down memory lane and have a great time. Dust off those trio sonatas, preludes and fugues, and chorale partitas, and maybe even some Distler and come on home to Oberlin. Organ enthusiasts and friends are invited as well.

Warner Concert Hall
Flentrop Orgelbouw (1974)

​​​​​​​Warner Concert Hall
Greg Harrold, Organ Builder, Opus 11 (1989)

Finney Chapel
C. B. Fisk, Inc., Opus 116 (2001)

Fairchild Chapel – Gallery Organ
John Brombaugh & Associates, Opus 25 (1981)

Fairchild Chapel – Chancel Organ
John Brombaugh & Co., Opus 23b (1977)


Conservatory visitors are asked to enter the complex through either Bibbins Hall’s east entrance (off College Place, across from the Oberlin College Bookstore) or the Conservatory Lounge’s west entrance (off S. Professor St., adjacent to the Conservatory Pond). All other entrances will be closed to the public.

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Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

    7:30 pm to 9:30 pm EST
  • Location

    Wilder Hall