Message from the Conservatory Dean: FAQ About COVID-19 and Completion of Spring Semester 2020
March 23, 2020 3:30 PM
Dear Conservatory students,
Greetings from Oberlin! I hope this message finds you well, and I hope that you all are healthy, happy, and safe.
Once again, thank you for your resilience, adaptability, flexibility, and good cheer over the past few weeks in the face of difficult circumstances. While none of us would have wished for our time together on campus this semester to wrap up this way, I am incredibly moved by the generosity, kindness, grace, and compassion that all members of our community--students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and others--have shown one another over the past few weeks, and continue showing one another day in and day out, as we adapt to our new norms.
Students, we miss you all very, very much, and can’t wait to see you back in Oberlin.
With our sudden shift to online instruction for the final weeks of the semester, I know that many of you have questions about outstanding course and degree requirements. In particular, many of you have questions about your Junior and Senior Recitals, juries, and committees, as well as questions about your large- and small-ensemble registrations for Spring 2020.
In recent days, the Conservatory Faculty and the Conservatory's Educational Policies Committee approved a set of updated policies for Spring 2020 to address these concerns. These policies are posted online at COVID-19 and Completion of Spring Semester 2020 Frequently Asked Questions.
All students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these policies, keeping in mind that many details will vary by department or major. If you have any questions, please be in touch directly with your advisor, your studio teacher, or the Conservatory Dean’s Office.
In the coming days, these updated policies will be posted in the Conservatory section of Oberlin’s 2019-20 Course Catalog.
Again, though, if you have questions, we encourage you to see COVID-19 and Completion of Spring Semester 2020 Frequently Asked Questions and to consult with your studio teacher, advisor, or staff in the Conservatory Dean’s Office.
Once again, thank you all very much, and please let us know if you have any questions.
With all best wishes,
William Quillen, Dean of Oberlin Conservatory