Campus Bulletin: Current Students, Faculty and Staff, Parents, ObieSafe

Full Measure Campus Access Pass Feature

September 29, 2020 8:15 AM

Emily Speerbrecher, COVID-19 Project Coordinator

As part of Oberlin’s COVID-19 strategy, our campus community has already been completing a daily symptom survey. Beginning on Wednesday, September 30, members of our campus community will begin to receive a daily access pass after completing their symptom survey each day. The pass can be added to a mobile wallet on Apple or Android, or users can elect to receive their pass via email. The implementation of these campus access passes allows the college to ensure students, faculty, and staff have taken the time each day to assess their overall health and are healthy enough to be on campus. Such passes also help when contact tracing is needed, particularly when they are scanned for entry or access to a particular part of campus.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does my pass update?

Your mobile access pass will automatically update based on your responses to your daily symptom survey. Depending on the color of your pass determines your next steps for the day (see below for information on colors). Passes reset overnight each night and are timestamped when they are issued.

What if I don’t have a smartphone?

If you do not have a smartphone, you can elect to have your pass emailed to you each day by replying “Yes” to “Do you need an emailed pass?” on your daily symptom survey. If you are asked for your pass on campus, you can show it on a mobile device like an iPad or laptop, or you and print it out and carry it with you. Your pass is timestamped, so if you choose this option, you will need to print your pass each day.

What information is on the pass?

Your color for the day, your name, T#, date and time of issue that day, and a scannable QR code that may be scanned at different entry points on campus. Passes do not share any detailed information on how you filled out that day’s survey, just the outcome.

What do the pass colors mean?

You have unrestricted entrance to class and activities.

Self-quarantine and follow the instructions at the end of your daily symptom survey for next steps on how to connect with a health professional.

This indicates you have not yet taken your daily symptom survey or you have indicated that you will not be on campus and have reported accordingly.

What if I receive a red pass but begin to feel better throughout the day and want to participate on campus?

If you indicated you were experiencing symptoms at the beginning of the day but begin to feel better throughout the day, the first thing to do is continue to assess your symptoms. If you feel that you are well enough to participate on campus, please follow the below directives to get your pass changed before engaging in campus life. Please be aware that requests for pass updates may take some time throughout the day and are not immediate.

  • All Students – You must call Student Health and alert them you would like to have your daily pass updated. They will instruct you on the best time to come to the office to assess your health and update your pass.
  • Student Athletes – You must call Student Health or Sports Medicine and alert them you would like to have your daily pass updated. They will instruct you on the best time to come to assess your health and update your pass.
  • Faculty & Staff – Stay home for the full day.

What if I indicated I will not be on campus in the morning, but change my mind throughout the day?

When you indicate you will not be on campus, your pass remains grey.  If you change your mind and decide to come to campus, you can go back to your original email from the morning and re-submit your symptom survey. If you receive a green pass you will be able to come to campus. Red passes can only be changed by a campus health care provider, such as Student Health or Athletics. You cannot retake the survey.

How will this be used on campus?

Certain faculty and staff members on campus may ask anyone to show their pass. These faculty and staff members include those who manage access to buildings and spaces, including classrooms and lecture halls. Some example uses may be scanning of passes to enter the Athletics facilities or dining halls, your professor may ask to show your pass when you enter their classroom, or your supervisor may ask you to show them your pass as you come to work each day. 

What if I am not on campus, what happens to my pass?

If you are not on campus and report as such, your pass will remain gray.

Isn’t it a violation of privacy to be asked to show my pass on campus?

The College was very thoughtful of this issue when creating these passes. In general, the College is legally permitted to enforce College policy by asking campus members to show their passes while on campus. We have taken careful steps to ensure that the passes do not disclose any sensitive medical information.

Where may I be asked to show my pass?

Anywhere on campus! Be sure to fill out your daily symptom survey each day you are on campus!

Tips & Tricks

  • You will receive an email on Tuesday, September 29 containing a link to your mobile pass. Each daily symptom survey thereafter will also contain a mobile pass download link.
  • Technology glitches happen from time to time and we don’t want them to keep you from enjoying campus life. If you do not receive your daily link to your survey, consider saving an older email to access the link from as a back-up.
  • Be honest! We want our campus community to be happy and healthy!