Oberlin Blogs


November 8, 2011

Lauren Manning ’12

It's nearing that wonderfully awful time of the year: AUDITION SEASON. Oh, people will try to make you think it's not a big deal: "Don't worry, there's nothing to be nervous about." Lies. Auditions are scary, and undergrad auditions are definitely something to be terrified of. How you play in those fateful 8 or 10 minutes can determine where you will live for the next four years of your life, and will have a huge bearing on your career and life. Serious business. Definitely something to be shaking in your boots about.

Now, since this blog is designed to show you that everything is going to be ok and that you will love Oberlin, I'm going to make it all better. Here were my reasons for choosing this school:

a) THIS CONSERVATORY IS AMAZING. Seriously, great reputation, outstanding faculty. You can't go wrong.

b) All undergrad. This may not seem very important, but it means that your teacher will be able to give you more attention, and that you will have more opportunities. No grad students stealing your opera roles, or your seat in orchestra. Everyone feels like an equal rather than an old thief out to steal your joy and happiness.

c) Incredibly supportive faculty. When my quartet was competing a lot two years ago, we needed extra coachings to help us prepare all of our repertoire. So we started asking faculty who were not actually our teachers...and every single faculty member we asked was more than willing to help out.

d) Creative and inspiring atmosphere. The Conservatory is a buzz of activity, all day long. I was struck by how active Oberlin is when I visited another very reputable music school over break. The minute you step into the con, you can feel that it is really alive...there is a general excitement in the air all the time. Discovery, experimentation, and excellent performance are all thrown into the mix to create a unique learning environment.

Please leave a comment if you have a special request regarding audition season. I will be posting more about the audition process, how to best prepare for your Oberlin audition, and what to do on the actual day.

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