dear readers

What are we looking for, I wonder.

my skin tingled with goosebumps, and

unreasonable banshee whoops

like if underwater

There are few things more difficult

Later, they will thank these frames, and

realize what a burden just holding the thing to be.

I've found it wanting

I too am looking for a home.

And I don't mean it's hella rosy or hella bad,

Do not mention the


you will have no more of me.

I give them close care and strange pity

The only thing to do here is to gaze at them day and night.

or we might forget

how long can we, and when

Afterwords you're encouraged to visit

No—how about something I wrote, instead?

it's always hard to say these things to someone else.

For now, you are mine

and we sort of rustled

how long can you keep me / one more


Your harshest look, without shadow or color.

Who is this feverless guest suddenly in you?

This is not a baby.

He, with dry lips

by a young woman who has lost

los espejos son abominables,

all of this: i've found it wanting

I don't smoke. Is it important to say that?

for thirteen years inside the earth

You kneel / but only to get a better angle

(Later, they will thank these frames

& row back the wind

—it's we

I am afraid to close my hands / on you,

the fresh marigolds)