Position on graffiti

To the Editors:

I was shocked at the weak letters from our administration in the issue two weeks ago, who have once again missed the point entirely. The reason I consider the graffiti around campus as hate speech and anti-Semitism is because it denies a basic right of statehood to the Jewish people that it will give to everyone else. The constant double standard surrounding this whole issue and the administrations perpetuation of the idea that somehow Jews don’t deserve protection afforded to minority groups is just appalling and disappointing. I also want to applaud the letter from Professor Volk in last week’s issue, and I’m glad at least members of the faculty are speaking up against these signs. I encourage everyone to learn about both sides of the issue, before making judgments and believing graffiti on walls. If whoever is putting up these signs wants to dialogue, that’s great; otherwise I ask that they put their efforts to productive use by actually helping bring peace to the region as opposed to just insulting and angering students who are trying to study and go to class.

—Miriam Ignatoff
College junior

April 25
May 2

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