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If You Could Have the Board of Trustees Discuss Any Issue in its Upcoming Meeting, What Would it Be?

Hannah Waldman Double-degree Senior:
"The faculty selection process is important and the issues of tenure versus not tenure and the way teachers behave, because I think there's a big discrepancy between the way teachers behave in the College as opposed to the Conservatory. Also, CDS has become a major concern. Perhaps if there's some way to rearrange the endowment to take the burden off of students."

Katie Young Double-degree Junior:
"They should talk about the way we invest as a College and if they're socially conscious about investing in corporations; and the effectiveness of the dining system in making money, because it's really unsatisfactory to the students but it is a major source of money."

Erika Cline College First-year:
"Giving more money to the environmental studies program."

Deb Rosenstein College Junior:
"Student performance space, because there is none and they need to focus on that."

Amanda Huhn College Junior:
"Transferring financial aid to non-Oberlin study-abroad programs, or becomining affiliated with more programs. I think it's unfair that people can't participate in programs they would like to because their financial aid doesn't transfer."

David Jessop College Sophomore:
"The Trustees should discuss Larry Dolan and Chief Wahoo because I don't believe Oberlin is an institution which agrees with the perpetuation of racism in our culture."


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T H E   O B E R L I N   R E V I E W

Copyright © 2000, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 129, Number 11, December 8, 2000

Contact us with your comments and suggestions.