Special Edition \\ October 16, 1997

Why is it that we can never get answers?

This is an open letter to President Nancy Dye.

"The road to ruin, to be waged successfully, requires a coherent strategic and tactical theory, practical doctrine governing intelligence, planning, command, operational, and administrative procedures."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War            

Charlene Cole-Newkirk was the mentor, mother, advisor, friend, counselor and sister to many Oberlin students.

Is there any reason that Oberlin continues to blatantly practice racism, sexism, homophobia even though this institution rests on its history of being diverse and open minded and liberal? Why at every turn is something being done that totally contradicts everything that this institution supposedly stands for?

Lies. I have internalized four years worth of lies. I have lied to first years. I have lied to prospective students. Most of all, I have lied to myself. This facade of multiculturalism and diversity is a lie. Oberlin College is overflowing with this idealistic jargon that it actually has the best interest of people of color in mind. The fact that Oberlin College is systematically removing people of color in the high administrative positions, one by one, is a plan of action that is unacceptable and unfair.

Why is it that we, the students, can never get any real answers? How come no one is ever able to speak about what the real issues are? Why is the upper level white administration always so sorry for not being able to respect and respond to students' immediate concerns?

Why are the people of color who have our back and are willing to speak up for us, always suddenly forced out of their jobs? Could it be that people of color don't have as much financial influence as our white counterparts? Could it be that Oberlin College isn't really as liberal as it claims to be?

Let it also be understood that Charlene Cole is Black (Oberlin College was one of the first institutions to admit Blacks), She is a Woman (Oberlin College was one of the first institutions to admit women) and She is an Alumna (Oberlin College Alum have a lot of influence on decisions and positive change for their alma mater).

These three factors would give Charlene Cole-Newkirk insight on Student Life that others wouldn't have.

Does Oberlin College even care about what is said and done? How much influence did the Trustees have on these decisions?

How are the Trustees selected? How can I, Melody R. Waller, as well as other people of color, be appointed to the Board of Trustees?

"All warfare is based on deception. A skilled general must be master of the complementary arts of simulation and dissimulation; while creating shapes to confuse and delude the enemy, they conceal their true dispositions and ultimate intent. When capable, they feign incapacity."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War            

Translation: President Dye is unable to answer any questions because of legal ramifications. No one else has any responsibility to students. Students are able to be played as marionettes. Upper level Black administrators are able to be played as marionettes. No answers really have to be given to students, no answers can be given to students. There are no answers.

This plan is an art; the art of having all issues occur during off seasons, such as midterms, finals, Winter term, and summer breaks. It's the art that the only answer we will get is, "I'm sorry" and "I don't know." It's the art of some students being privy to information, and how it looks to other students of color who are already marginalized to be further underrepresented.

"I'm sorry" and "I don't know" are not answers, they are excuses and excuses are tools of the incompetent.

The people of color community deserves answers. Period. The lies must cease.

-Melody R. Waller is a College senior

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Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 126, Special Edition, October 16, 1997

Contact us with your comments and suggestions.