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Chemical WeaponTreaty's ratification needed in Senate

This is an open letter to Senator DeWine: Dear Senator DeWine:

We wish to express our support for the Chemical Weapon Convention, and also our hope that you will vote in favor of a resolution giving the Senate's consent to US ratification of this treaty.

As you know, the Chemical Weapon Convention is a global treaty that bans the production, stockpiling, transfer, and use of chemical weapons (Poison Gas) by participating countries, and prohibits export of chemicals used in making such weapons including those that have civilian uses, to non-signatory countries. It provides for an implementing organization based in the Hague, empowered to make invasive, short-notice inspections of chemical plants that use CWC- controlled chemicals or are suspected of having chemical weapons production capacity. It does not limit non-war uses of tear gas nor research and development of defense against chemical attacks. It would make acquisition of chemical weapons by terrorists more difficult and possession of them illegal.

This is a treaty that was negotiated by President Reagan, and it was signed by President Bush. President Clinton recommended its approval in the State of the Union address this year, and recently he reiterated his support. The treaty now has more than the 65 nations required for it to go into force, and it will go into force on April 29, 1997 no matter what the US does. In order for the US to effectively participate in its enforcement, our ratification needs to be deposited by April 29, 1997.

Again, we hope that you will vote in favor of the Senate to this treaty's ratification.

Thank you for considering our request.

-Kirsten Bohl (co-clerk)
-Alia Ganaposki (co-clerk)
-Richard Taylor (co-clerk)
Oberlin Friends Meeting of the Religion Society of Friends (Quakers)

Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 21; April 18, 1997

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