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March inspires, motivates groups

Over the weekend of Oct. 12 and 13, a group of approximately 40 Oberlin students joined a mass of 30-50,000 other protesters in Washington, DC at the March for Immigrants and Poor.

"It was very inspiring," Serjio Aceveda, college senior and co-chair of La Alianza Latina who attended the march, said.

Aceveda spoke of the unity between many different Latin American groups and ethnicities, but said there was unity even beyond that.

Aceveda said that what he found most inspiring was that Irish and Bengali groups also came to support immigrant rights.

"It was called the National Immigrant and Poor March, and that is what it was," Aceveda said.

"It was very motivating too, to see that we can get together and unite under one issue," Aceveda said.

Junior Matt Yarrow also went to the protest, but with the socialist student group. "There was a lot of pride and there was a lot of spirit and people from all over the place," Yarrow said.

"I'm not sure what huge effect it will have, however," Yarrow said. He said that he felt the protesters put out good demands, but that the politicians who were present were just supporting them for political reasons.

"I wish it could have been more radical or made more of a break," Yarrow said.

Yarrow used the technique of double-exposure to capture images of the march.

-Susanna Henighan


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 7; November 1, 1996

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