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North responds to night-time perpetrator

Student allegedly entered rooms of sleeping students

by David Gaskell and Chanel Chambers

Students and staff in North Hall are responding to reports that someone is unlawfully entering students' rooms.

The perpetrator is alleged to enter residents' rooms and watch the sleeping resident until he or she awakes.

North Hall staff has posted signs around the dorm encouraging residents to lock their doors at night and be aware of their surroundings. The signs also state the importance of communication.

"More awareness has been created now than in the past, and I hope that people will be more responsible for their safety and security," Tracene Marshall, Longman commons coordinator said.

Resident Coordinators (RC) also responded by talking individually with residents.

Some students are reacting negatively to the incidents, although some are indifferent.

Resident Caroline Cohen said she is aware of the incidents and isn't scared, though she is more apt to lock her door.

"I think that [the intruders] didn't have any harmful intentions," Cohen said. Other residents feel more strongly however,. "I think [the incidents] are disgusting and they have no boundaries," Katie Stonesaid, a resident of North.

Most of the incidents occurred early in the morning and in unlocked rooms. They were reported after residents awoke and discovered the intruder.

"I asked him if he was in the wrong room and he mumbled and was sort of incoherent," said a student who awoke to find the intruder in her room. The student then notified an RC and called security.

Individuals have also been seen tearing down signs and notices on the same nights illegal intrusions have been reported.

Joe DiChristina, interim director of Security, urged students to lock their rooms at all times. He advised students not to prop doors open and not to let people follow them into their residence halls.


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 20; April 12, 1996

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