The Oberlin Review
<< Front page Sports February 18, 2005

In the Locker Room With...
Cristina Briboneria and Nicole Burford

I ventured up to the all-women’s hall on the fourth floor of Burton to interview senior basketball players Nicole Burford and Cristina Briboneria about fluctuating rosters, ExCo plans and push-ups. Just as the interview began, a man walked down the hallway and into the women’s bathroom.

Is he allowed in there?
CB: Let me tell you about this one dude. He walks around our hall. Now mind you this is an all women’s hall. He walks around our hall with only his boxers on. He’s all up in our bathroom and he doesn’t want to wash his hands. So one day I said, “Excuse me, can you wash your hands?”

C’mon we need to wrap this up before 10:00 Real World! Okay. You are the only two seniors on the squad. What happened since freshman year?
CB: There were only three to start with. Karen Hahn graduated.
NB: No, four. Julia rode out. I’m still mad at her.

How many people are on the team now?
NB: Well, there are different sections to our season. You got the preseason. Then the fall. Winter Break. Winter Term.
CB: Fall Break is when our season started. Then November to December. Then late December to early January...
NB: When we shut down for break people tend to quit.
CB: The last time we had someone quit was about three weeks ago.
NB: We had people who quit from the beginning, people who stayed and then quit. People who didn’t even play at first and then quit.
CB: Generally we had 10 to 11 players. Now we’re down to seven. This season is actually one of our better seasons.
NB: It’s weird, this is actually one of our best seasons record-wise. Conference wins, confidence on the team. Maybe it just seems that way because we are the leaders now.

You’ve both played almost 40 minutes a game.
CB: We did play 40 minutes a game.
NB: I think I’m averaging 40 minutes a game.Is there an NCAC stat for minutes played?
CB: All five of us...
NB: The five starters...
CB: ...are the top five in the conference.

Do you think the five starters [including Quintetta Stubblefield, Jessie Oram, Meg Reitz] are the most in shape people on campus?
NB: We should be. But no matter how in shape I am for basketball, I can’t run for field hockey.
CB: I can’t run for 10 miles or anything. I can’t run on grass. ’Cause you know, there’s no end to it. Ninety-four feet on a court, you can see that line. On a field, you can’t see that line.

Don’t you have another year of eligibility, Nicole?
NB: Yeah.
CB: Coach is trying to get her to stay another year.
NB: She’s trying to get me to do a masters program. They are starting an education program. I don’t think I’m going to do that.
CB: Yeah right, you’ll be here.
NB: No, I’m graduating.

Cristina, over Winter Term you hit 1,000 points. When you came in as a freshman did you expect to achieve that?
CB: No.
NB: Yeah. She didn’t want 1,000 points, she wanted 1,000 threes.
CB: I never started thinking until people started telling me I was on track for 1,000. Really I just wanted us to win more, otherwise my points don’t matter.
NB: You should get a t-shirt for the first Filipino to score 1,000 points.
CB: Am I? How do you know that stuff? According to Nancy Boutillier [assistant lacrosse coach] one of the lacrosse players is the first player from Idaho to play collegiate lacrosse.
CB: Nancy does announcements for our games.
NB: She practices her stuff all the time. You’ll be walking down the hallway and from behind you’ll hear “Nicole Buuuuuuuuuuuurford drives to the lane!”

I noticed that the cheerleaders were missing from your games. Where did they go?
CB: Last fall during a football game they dropped a cheerleader and they’ve been on hiatus ever since then. Since they dropped their flyer.

Chris, can you explain the push-up policy on the basketball team?
NB: She should have done some already during the interview.

How many have you done this season?
CB: That I should have done?

That you should have done and how many you did.
NB: You didn’t do your push-ups for the Kenyon game.
CB: I’d say... five every time... a good thousand.
NB: Just think, she has to do five almost every time we are in the coaches’ presence. With all those pushups she should be able to bench more than the bar.
CB: I do! I got twelves on there now.

Now that your season is almost over, what are you going to do with your extra time?
CB: I’m co-chair of the Filipino American Students Association. And pimping class.
NB: Yeah, I was going to go pimping at the ’Sco and teach a pimping ExCo.
CB: You should have taught one.