Oscillations and Waves > Oscillations > Lissajous Figures
DCS# 1E20.17


oscilloscope 214-01-E
differential amplifier 101-02-C1
two function generators 214-01-D
two 500 - 6-8 Ω matching transformers 214-01-D

This is a corridor display in which the user adjusts the frequency of one of the two function generators to produce various patterns on the scope, including a five-pointed star.

circuit for star display
Adjust frequencies so that each function generator produces a circular pattern by itself.

Adjust amplitudes to straighten the lines of the star.  Do not exceed 4 VDC to the differential amplifier.
In general, rational values of ω21 give (ω2 + ω1) -fold symmetry.
For a five-pointed star:  ω21 = 3/2 ⇒ 3 + 2 = 5 points.
J. Gerard Anderson, “An Electronic Spirograph,” The Physics Teacher, February 1974, pp. 89-92.