Observer, Volume 16, Number 18, Thursday May 25 1995

Faculty Meetings

Two-year terms

The college faculty at its 2 May meeting discussed a proposal from its educational plans and policies committee to elect members to that committee for two-year, rather than one-year, terms. Many curricular issues carry over from one year to the next, the committee stated in its rationale for the proposal, and it would be helpful to know which members of the committee would be serving the following year. While most speakers said they favored two-year terms, many wanted to coordinate them with elections for the college and general faculty councils. (No one may serve simultaneously on one of these three elected committees nor serve for more than a limited number of consecutive years on any combination of them.) With some amendments to the original motion, the college faculty voted to ask the general faculty council to appoint an ad hoc committee to coordinate a two-year-term system and report to the faculty by 20 November.

The faculty also approved the nominations to standing committees for 1995-96, with the understanding that some changes may be made in the fall. It heard reports from its council and from the vice president for admissions and financial aid, who was standing in for the director of college admissions. At the end of the meetingÑthe last college faculty meeting of the yearÑprofessor of English Robert Longsworth moved a vote of thanks for dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Alfred MacKay, who is returning to the teaching faculty. Lengthy applause followed.

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