A Guide to the Ethnomusicology LP Collection
in the Oberlin College Conservatory Library

Note: All call numbers begin with LP or SLP 781. followed by the numbers shown.

Some LPs have the jacket notes bound separately, with the same call number.
Be sure to ask for them.



Call Number


Company No.


767.21 A3 G3

Gabon: Chantres de Quotidien/l'epopee

Ocora 558515

767.21 A3 G32

Gabon: Mitsogho & Bateke

OCR 84

767.21 A3 M9

Musiques du Gabon

OCR 41

767.21 T368 G36

Gabon: Musique pygmees Bibayak

Ocora 558504

CONGO Brazzaville

767.24 A3 M9

Musique Kongo

OCR 35


767.3 A3 H8

Humbi en Handa: Angola

Belgische Radio 6803044

767.3 T915 M8

Music and Musicians of the Angolan Border

LLST: 7311


767.41 A3 M9

Musique Centraficaine

OCR 43

767.41 A3 Z5

Central African Republic

BM 30L 2310

767.41 T15 A5

Aka Pygmy Music (UNESCO Mus. sources)

Philips 6586 016

767.41 T15 A6

Anth/mus des Pygmees Aka Empire

Ocora 558526/27/28

767.41 T2 M9

Mus Ba-Benzele Pygmies (UNESCO Anth)

BM 30L 2303

767.41 T29 M9

Musiques Banda

Vogue LD 765


767.43 A3 An87

Anth de la Musique du Tchad

OCR 36,37,38

767.43 A3 M9

Mus of Kanem (Chad)

BM 30L 2309

767.43 I4 P4

Chad: Percussions Afrique: Mboum & Barma

OCR 39

767.43 T895 T3

Tchad: Musique du Tibesti

LDX 74722

767.43 T895 T4

Chad: Teda-Tibesti. Instr Music

Koninklijk 6803002

767.5 I5 IN8

Instruments 6: Guitars 1

CONGO, Dem. Rep. of (formerly Zaire)

767.5 V6 M6

Missa Luba

Philips PCC 606

767.51 A3 M9 v.1

Mus of Zaire: Libinza

FE 4241

767.51 A3 M9 v.2

Mus of Zaire: Bodjara, Bamwe, Djamba

FE 4242

767.51 I5 S6

Sound of Kinshasa: Guitar classics

OMA 102

767.51 P3 B3

Bameli Soy: Popular songs from Zaire

Shanachie 43025

767.51 P3 S3

Sam Mangwana et l'African All Stars

Tangent 7638

767.51 T364 S3

Sanza and Guitar

LLST 7313

767.51 T80 Z3

Zaire: Musique des Salampasu

Ocora 558 597

767.511 T3 F7

Folk Mus of Western Congo

Folkways P 427

767.511 T69 M8


Koninklijk 6803 017

767.511 T94 Ya1


Koninklijk 6803 038

767.512 A3 M9

Musiques de l'ancien royaume Kuba

Ocora OCR 61

767.513 T428 P7

Polyphonies Mongo

OCR 53

767.515 T27 M9

Music of the Ituri Forest

FE 4483

767.515 T27 M95

Rainforest Pygmies

LLST 7157

767.515 T27 P6

The Pygmies of Ituri Forest

FE 4457

767.518 T62 V9

Vokale muziek Luba-Shankadi.

Koninklijk DL 111 635


767.571 A3 M9

Mus from Rwanda (UNESCO Anth)

BM 30L 2302

767.571 T93 So58

Songs of Watutsi

Folkways P 428


767.572 A3 B85

Burundi: Musiques traditionelles

Ocora 558511

767.572 A3 M9

Musica del Burundi

VPA 8137

767.572 A3 M90

Musique du Burundi

OCR 40

767.572 T23 M9

Mus from Heart of Africa: Burundi





Note: All call numbers begin with LP or SLP 781. followed by the numbers shown.

Some LPs have the jacket notes bound separately, with the same call number.
Be sure to ask for them.


Call Number


Company Number

767.6 A3 Af8

Africa: Ceremonial & folk music


767.6 T3 B2

Bantu Mus from British E. Africa

Col 91A 02017

767.61 A3 A5

UGANDA: Mus. of Ankole

Belg R&T #6

767.61 A3 Ug1

Uganda 1

KMA 10

767.62 P3 N3

KENYA: Nairobi Sound: Acoustic and Electric Guitar

OMA 101

767.62 T88 S6

Songs the Swahili Sing

OMA 103

767.629 A3 M9

Mus of the Kuria & Gusli of W. Kenya

FE 4223

767.73 A3 F8

SOMALIA: Freedom Songs of Somalia Republic

FD 5443

767.8 A3 T1



767.8 A3 T3

Tanzania Yetu: Our Tanzania


767.8 T925 M8

Musik fran Tanzania: Wagogo people

CAP 1089

767.9 O3 M8

MOZAMBIQUE: Chopi Timbila xylophone music

FE 4318




768 P3 M15

Mbube! Zulu Men's Singing Competition

Rounder 5023

768 P3 M2

Mbube Roots: Zulu Choral Music, 1930s-60s

Rounder 5025

768 P3 M5

Miriam Makeba: African folk songs

RCA NL42421 A

768 P3 P3

Miriam Makeba: Pata Pata

Warner Bros. 44046

768 P3 P5

Phezulu Eqhudeni on Ezhudeni Mt. Mahotella Queens, Mahlathini & Other Stars

CGLP 4415

768 P3 R5

Miriam Makeba: Rhythm & Song

PLD 2073

768 P3 S5

Ladysmith Black Mambazo: Shaka Zulu

Warner Bros.1-25582

768 P3 Z8

Umbaquanga: Zulu jive

CGLP 4410

768 T3 B17

Bantu Choral Folk Songs

FW 6912

768 T3 M9

Musique Zulu-Swazi et Xhosa

Belg R&TV #3

768 W95 I8

Iscathamiya: Zulu male choral singing

HT 313

768 W95 S6

South Africa Trade Union Workers choirs

Rounder 5020

768.1 A3 T7

BOTSWANA : Trad Music of Botswana

FE 4371

768.1 T38 M9

Ikung Bushmen of Kalahari Desert

FE 4487

768.1 T59 H4

Kalahari San Healing Music

FE 4316

768.1 T59 I5

Instrumental Music of Kalahari San

FE 4315

768.2 P3 I5

Indestructible Beat of Soweto: Urban pop music

Shanachie 43033

768.2 P3 S6


Rough Trade 37

768.3 T89 M9

SWAZILAND: Musique Swazi

Belg R&TV #1

768.6 T33 M9

LESOTHO: Music of Lesotho

FE 4224

768.8 T38 B9

Bushman Music & Pygmy Music.

Peabody Museum

768.9 T3 B17

Bantu Choral Folk Songs

FW 6912

768.9 T3 B2

Bantu Mus from British East Africa

Col. 91A 02017



768.91 A3 R3

Rhodesia 1


768.91 I8 Af81

Africa: Shona Mbira Music

H 72077

768.91 I8 Af83

African Mbira: Music of Shona

H 72043

768.91 I8 So83

Soul of Mbira

H 72054

768.91 P3 V5

Viva! Zimbabwe

ELP 2001

768.91 V7 Af83

African Story Songs

UW Press (no #)

768.94 T36 In9

Inyimbo: Songs of the Bemba, Zambia

ER 12103

768.94 T72 M9 v.1-2

Mus Petauke of N. Rhodesia

FE 4201 (4202)




769 P3 S4

Seychelles 1: Danses France

Ocora 558534



769.1 A3 M9

Musique Malgache

OCR 24

769.1 A3 Ma3

Madagasikara 1: Trad music of Madagascar

Globe Style ORBD 012

769.1 A3 P6

Possession et Poesie a Madagascar

OCR 83

769.1 I85 M8

Lokanga: Trad fiddle and vocal music of Bara and Antandroy of Madagascar

Ocora 558630

769.1 I87 V2

Valiha Madagascar

OCR 18

Main Index

End Africa

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