Articles from The Oberlin News Tribune, 1935

J.R. Haylor

Is Successor to E. J. Goodrich Store Established Here in 1856

J. R. Haylor, successor in the book business to the pioneer bookstore opened here in Oberlin by E. J. Goodrich in 1856, is one of the outstanding younger business men of the college town. Mr. Haylor came to Oberlin from Columbus in 1919. Many years ago his father lived for a time just west of Oberlin. Mr. Haylor’s first operations were in the old Goodrich stand in the Oberlin Savings Bank building. On the consolidation of the two banks he removed to his present location on West College street. This large room was remodeled at the time of building. In 1926 fire ruined the building, causing almost a total loss. Within a few days workmen were busy replacing the store which opened later as one of the most attractive appearing businesses of the kind in Northern Ohio. In addition to books Mr. Haylor handles an extensive line of gifts and complete lines of accessories which ordinarily are to be found in a book store. He is an excellent business man of fine character and his store is popular both with student generations and with the citizens of the community.

Friday, March 29, 1935
The Oberlin News-Tribune, Oberlin, Ohio